Sunday 24 April 2011

Penulisan 2u?

Eherm2... (chop! memang hobi aku berdeham sebelum memulakan sesuatu ucapan.)

Salam and greatgoodnyte,

Dah tengok title kan? Sekarang, cuba cakap siapa yang tak tahu web tu? rasanya semua tau kot...

Aku nak cakap yang aku tengah tulis cerpen. cerpen lagi senang sebab cerpen ni pendek ja. tak macam tulis novel yang panjang berjela tu. so aku nak try tulis cerpen(actually sekarang ni memang aku tengah menulis pun) and ingat nak submit dekat penulisan 2u ASAP. hakhak... Rasanya okie ke idak? well, x kesah..

kay rr, not so much to say today, Salam and enjoy your goodgreatday kay... Daaa


  1. Nina, submit to that site and also submit here. Do not forget to publicise a small piece of your 'cerpen' in fb preferably using note. Then in that note include your blog URL. Do not forget to tag your fb friends in that note too. Otherwise, all the action might bear no fruit. Good luck. =)
    If you get famous, I can use you to win some popularity for my blog. :D

  2. wahh!! Ada udang dsebalik mi! Aqu bru ingt k0 ny al0ng yg caring.. Musnah angan aq... Btw, tq utk cadangan 2.. Aq try wt ASAP.. :D tq
